Photoelectrics, Fibre Optics, Proximity Sensors, Encoders, Potentiometers LVDT’s, Ultrasonics, Switching Light Curtains,Linear Transducers, Magneto-Strictive and Wire Draw Linear.
Go back to the topSafety Light Curtains, Personal Protection Scanners, Safety Relays, Safety Interlocking Systems, Two Hand Controllers, Foot Switches, Rope Pull Switches, Magnetic Switches and Sensors.
Go back to the topChassis Cables, Cables, Cable Connectors, Distribution Modules, Valve Connectors.
Go back to the topSensors, RTD’s, Thermocouples, Infrared, Indicators, Switches, Transmitters, Thermostats and Controllers.
Go back to the topSignal Towers, Bulbs, Beacons, Traffi c Light Beacons, Audible Elements.
Go back to the topSelf-Regulating, Power-Limiting, Parallel Constant Watt, Series Constant Watt, Mineral Insulated, Skin Effect, Cables, Tank/Hopper Heating, Complete Local Engineering & Design Services.
Go back to the topTransmitters, Switches, Variable Orifi ces, Paddle Sensors, Magnetic, Calorimetric, Ultrasonic, Doppler and Differential Pressure, Solenoid Valves, Mag Flow Meters, Thermal Dispersion, Oval Gear, Positive Displacement and Rotameters.
Go back to the topSignal Conditioners, Isolators, Temperature Transmitters, Valve Position Controls, Pneumatic/Frequency Converters, Transmitting Displays and Signal Amplifi ers.
Go back to the topBarcode Scanners, RFID, PID/Fuzzy Logic Controllers, Setpoint, Digital PID, Barcode Positioning Systems and Smart Multi-Function Controllers.
Go back to the topGauges, Test Gauges, Indicators, Switches, Displays, Transmitters, Isolators and Seals.
Go back to the topConductivity, Pressure Systems, Float, Point/Continuous Level Monitoring using Ultrasonic, Microwave, Optical, Bindicators and Radar.
Go back to the topDigital Panel Meters, Analogue Displays, Bar Graphs, Standard – Micro-Based Recorders, Analogue Indicators, Totalizers, Batch Counters, Position Displays and Data Loggers.
Go back to the topCurrent Transmitters and Switches, Kilowatt Transmitters, Overload Alarms, Load Cells, Motor Monitors and all types of Electric Actuators.
Go back to the topHigh quality Calibration Equipment for Field/Workshop use. Multi-Function Units, Temperature/Pressure Calibration, Temperature Baths, Portable Test Instruments and RPM Meters.
Go back to the topLaser/Optical Distance, Measuring Light Curtains & Optical Data Transmitters.
Go back to the topDC/DC Converters